tipple run thankyou

thanks to everyone who came and played out on the tipple run this year - always a good laugh

things we learnt this year:

• it doesnt ALWAYS rain on the tipple run
• "we'll keep the bar open as long as you like" doesnt mean that at all when the clock strikes 11.32pm
• its a hell of a lot easier herding cats on a sportster than a panther
• i still dont like being at the front :)
• there are some lovely people who still like to ride bikes
• steam fairs are better kept small
• we really do have some of the prettiest roads around if you look for them
• i should take photos every now and then
• waitrose do awesome picnic food

thanks again everyone - im going to do a photo dump like in previous years

if you only took a few photos then send them me vintagechop@gmail.com if you took loads then try using www.wetransfer.com make a zip file of them all [not zipx] and send them over via that. easy to follow instructions on their site.

see you all next time